Cities, Complexity, and Emergent Order

A short paper on key ideas that explain how patterns of urban morphology conceived in terms of networks and/or cells emerge from the bottom up and how cities restructure themselves in the same way. This tells in simple terms what this site is all about. Click here.
Posted in Complex Systems, Emergence, Fractal Geometry | Leave a comment

Dynamics of Urban Movement

Many interesting approaches were presented at Strathclyde Complex Transport Networks meeting this week, ranging from slime mould networks to more conventional transportation geometries. Our paper using London Oyster Card data can be downloaded from presentations on this site or by clicking here.
Posted in Complex Systems, Networks, Transport | Leave a comment

Smarter Cities

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Use the Player Bar above for Audio. A Webinar to the Urban Systems Collaborative organized by the IBM Smart Cities Group in Armonk, NY focusing on CASA’s work on tracking, measuring, modeling and visualizing city systems. For a glance at the Slides, read it on the Presentations section of this site. Click for Slides
Posted in Networks, Smart Cities, Urban (LUTI) Models | Leave a comment

The Urban Nervous System

The focus is shifting to real time analysis of city systems with many links between urban mobility, energy and ICT. Trantopoulos, Schlapfer and Helbing suggest that the nervous system of a city be explored using ‘Techno-Social Reality Mining’. References to some of our own work on sensing the city.
Posted in Networks, Smart Cities, Urban Dynamics | Leave a comment

Is Digital Simulation the Same as Physical Experimentation?

Simulation models test theories against data we cannot reproduce in the physical environment their theory relates to. We cannot experiment on the real thing. But how different are simulations from experiments? In Science in Age of Computer Simulation, Winsberg presents these ideas. Papers here and here.
Posted in Simulation, Urban (LUTI) Models | Leave a comment