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The Path Dependent City

Sometimes, we miss the best of articles … Complexity theory has found it hard to embrace policy as well as the other way round. Woodlief’s 1998 paper shows that it is not only routine development that generates path dependence but policy itself is composed of frozen accidents.
Posted in Emergence, Path Dependence, Policy Analysis | Leave a comment


Geosimulation is the term first used for modelling geospatial systems by Benenson and Torrens where the models in question focus on agents, objects, cells and patterns. Marceau & Benenson present a snapshot of the state of the art in this new online edited book, example of which are represented elsewhere on this site.
Posted in Agent-Based Models, Cellular Automata, Simulation | Leave a comment

Why Agent-Based Modelling?

Andrew Crooks notes the work of Doyne Farmer with Rob Axtell on ABMs for housing markets which pointed to an article by Rob on Why Agents? More on these ideas in our edited book Agent-Based Models of Geographical Systems published by Springer later this fall, accessible online, free? Watch this space.
Posted in Agent-Based Models, Emergence, Simulation | Leave a comment

Frozen Accidents

Murray Gell-Mann says the  “accumulation of frozen accidents is what gives the world its effective complexity.” These are events that define path dependence. The idea that a city is a sequence of accidents sharpens our sense of cities as patterns of regularity. An interesting conundrum. Read Gell-Mann.
Posted in Chaos, Complex Systems, Evolution, Path Dependence | Leave a comment