Města, komplexita a vznikající řád

Well I only know what it means because others translated it for me – click left image for it in Czech and here for it in English as I posted it once before as Cities, Complexity and Emergent Order. The journal in which it is published (ERA21) has some rather nice articles on urban generation, and click here to see the contents (in Czech of course).

Posted in Cellular Automata, Complex Systems, Emergence, Morphology | Leave a comment

Complexity in Regional Science: The Alonso Lecture

Here is my lecture given at the North American Regional Science Association Annual Conference in Miami, 11th Nov 2011. It is as good a summary as I can muster of complexity theory applied to cities & regions. I focus on laws of scaling that define this science. More on this as this site evolves but here is the lecture for which I received the award.

Posted in Allometry, Complex Systems, Entropy, Morphology, Scaling | Leave a comment

Spatial Multi-Objective Land Use Optimization

My first contribution, albeit a very minor one, to this area for a very long time; with Kai Cao and others from CUHK and elsewhere. Read our article now online at IJGIS. To an extent, this is an area not well represented here for it deals more with the science of planning than cities. But in time, I will extend the site to deal with this area more fully.

Posted in Design, Optimisation, Policy Analysis | Leave a comment

More Complexity: What von Neumann said to Shannon

Martin Austwick has an interesting piece on defining complexity which is what I am trying to do in my Spatial Complexity course. If you click on the link to the left or here, there is a small comment about entropy &complexity attributable perhaps to the apocryphal exchange in 1948?

Posted in Complex Systems, Entropy, Scaling, Social Physics | Leave a comment


BitCity tomorrow (3rd November) at Columbia (NYC). Click left for my presentation on Cities as Flow Systems. Talks about CASA’s Oyster Card, Bikes, Networks, and LUTI model projects and how they can be used to look at fractured networks. Thanks to Jon, Ollie, Joan, Duncan for some of this material. Conference details.
Posted in Flows, Fluxes, Networks, Smart Cities, Transport | Leave a comment