Architecture in the Science of Cities

A significant movement in architecture deals with complexity theory with strong resonance to a science of cities. In 2004, the journal Katarxis Nº 3 reported this new wave with extracts from the writings of Jacobs, Salingaros, and Alexander.
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The Social Physics of Movement

Anil Bawa-Cavia, on CASA’s SCALE project, is researching data from the social networking site FourSquare. At the PURBA last week, he won the prize for the best doctoral paper. Read it. Full-text PDF size: 688 Kb.
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Forum on the Future of Cities

At MIT’s Senseable Cities Lab, April 12-13, 2011: Watch leading thinkers discuss pressing issues of urbanization and a wave of new distributed technologies. All recorded on MIT-TV @ Research into Future Cities. Negronponte’s talk is particularly good. This is where he told the story of the 3 year old child who presented with a  5″ x 8″ Kodachrome print, put her fingers on it and tried to move it. Click here.
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Complex Dynamics of Urban Systems: Interesting Work going on in Australia at CSIRO and other places. Strong energy focus which relates to flows and fluxes, one of the key foci of the new science. Click on the image to bring up the research.
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Darwin’s City

David Sloan Wilson is using the lens of evolution to understand life in the struggling city of Binghamton, NY. Next, he wants to improve it. Read Emma Marris’ article in Nature  Click Here to view & download the longer piece.
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