Visualising Fast Flows

Aaron Koblin has produced some fantastic animations of airline flows reminiscent of some of Joan Serras’ work on our SIMULACRA blog. Check out Aaron’s flow stuff. He uses Google Maps to zoom in and out. Also dig into his web site for very innovative animations of fast flows and fluxes.
Posted in Computer Graphics, Flows, Fluxes | Leave a comment

Procedures to Generate Fractal Cityscapes

For a decade or more, computer scientists have used procedural logics (grammars) to generate urban morphologies. The paper by Li and Miller uses such recursive procedures similar to those we used a while ago to generate fractal cityscapes. Watch their movie. We need to explore this CS stuff more.
Posted in Fractal Geometry, Morphology | Leave a comment

Cellular Urban Regeneration

Most of urban dynamics involve activities that are in situ already. Here we present a populist foray into simulating the impact of regeneration on Stratford (the site of the Olympics Games) in east London using our Tyndall LUTI model. Read the paper.
Posted in Transport, Urban Dynamics | Leave a comment

Movements from Point Data

Constructing flows from where people are located at different points in time is usually hard and often impossible for large populations. You can only do it for individuals if you know the actual locations and order visited: posted on vimeo, and tweeted.
Posted in Flows, Fluxes, Networks | Leave a comment

Cities as Biologies

The analogy between the city and the human body goes back to Leonardo. The heart of the city, said Victor Gruen, pumps its people as flows of traffic to keep it energized as an exchange mechanism. Great visualization of the pulsing of the city from the SubMap Group in Budapest. Look at Lisbon’s blood vessels too.
Posted in Flows, Fluxes, Morphology | Leave a comment