If you want to get to the book directly, click on the cover to the left and it will take you to my home page which contains all the details of the book, what it is, where you can buy it from and much else.
The book is published with black and white pictures but some of these are clearer in color, hence their reproduction here. Each Chapter has a series of Figures and if you click on each Chapter title, then this will load the relevant page of Figures which you can see when you scroll down.
The color pictures are currently being uploaded. They are all in place now but some of the captions and explanation still need to be made consistent with the book.
Chapter 1 | Building a Science of Cities |
Chapter 2 | Ebb and Flow: Interaction, Gravity and Potential |
Chapter 3 | Connections and Correlations: The Science of Networks |
Chapter 4 | The Growth of Cities: Rank, Size, and Clocks |
Chapter 5 | Hierarchies and Networks |
Chapter 6 | Urban Structure as Space Syntax |
Chapter 7 | Distance in Complex Networks |
Chapter 8 | Fractal Growth and Form |
Chapter 9 | Urban Simulation |
Chapter 10 | Hierarchical Design |
Chapter 11 | Markovian Design Machines |
Chapter 12 | A Theory for Collective Action |
Chapter 13 | Urban Development as Exchange |
Chapter 14 | Plan Design as Committee Decision-Making |