Category Archives: Transport


BitCity tomorrow (3rd November) at Columbia (NYC). Click left for my presentation on Cities as Flow Systems. Talks about CASA’s Oyster Card, Bikes, Networks, and LUTI model projects and how they can be used to look at fractured networks. Thanks … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Fluxes, Networks, Smart Cities, Transport | Leave a comment

Dynamics of Urban Movement

Many interesting approaches were presented at Strathclyde Complex Transport Networks meeting this week, ranging from slime mould networks to more conventional transportation geometries. Our paper using London Oyster Card data can be downloaded from presentations on this site or by … Continue reading

Posted in Complex Systems, Networks, Transport | Leave a comment

Ranks of Flows: Network Scaling

The TfL Oyster Card Tube and Train flow volumes over 24 hrs at 666 (don’t worry about the number) hubs reveal classic diurnal peaks but the profiles are far from power laws. If anything, they are lognormal. Watch the Vimeo Clip. … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Fluxes, Networks, Social Physics, Transport, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Heartbeat of the City

Inspired by Victor Gruen’s heart of the city posted here a little while ago, Jon Reade’s 24 hour movie of traffic on London’s railways (tube+overground) moves us a little closer to Leonardo’s analogy of the city as body. More biology perhaps … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Fluxes, Networks, Transport | Leave a comment

Network Science, A Guide

A science of cities is rooted in networks that deliver energy and information to the components that make up a functioning urban system. This one page guide takes you to the key sites, people, books, papers, data and software associated … Continue reading

Posted in Morphology, Networks, Transport | Leave a comment